Helmut Orpel

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Helmut Orpel (* 1955 in Grünstadt ) is a German art historian and writer who lives in Mannheim .


Helmut Orpel studied art history, philosophy and Spanish literature at the University of Heidelberg . In 1995 he received his doctorate on political art in Spain. During and after his studies he worked as a freelance editor for various art magazines and published numerous texts on art topics. In 1995 Orpel founded the art magazine ArtProfil and was publisher and editor-in-chief there until 2007. For several years he ran a gallery for modern art and organized international art exhibitions. From 1994 to 1999 he was a member of the Mannheim municipal council for the Greens. Helmut Orpel is a lecturer at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and at the UIW European Study Center, Heidelberg. He works as a freelance journalist, lecturer and teacher for German as a foreign language. He also writes short stories and novels. From 2008 to 2014 Orpel was chairman of the "Literarisches Zentrum Rhein-Neckar eV 'Räuber 77'", which, among other things, advertises the Mannheim Literature Prize of the Robbers '77 (formerly: Mannheim Heinrich Vetter Literature Prize ).

Works (selection)


Dora Maar. Spotlights on her life and work. Darmstadt November 2016. ISBN 978-3-9807018-3-9

Karl Otto Götz. "Abstraction is beautiful" lithograph. Kronberg im Taunus. January 2014, ISBN 3-924831-08-4

Georgia Berlin Gallery (Ed.): Zaza Tuschmalischvili Insights Georgia - Berlin / Insights Georgia Berlin, Berlin 2014. With contributions by Brigitta Schrade, Dr. Helmut Orpel and Annilie Hillmer. ISBN 978-3-00-044459-3

Victor Safonkin, Worms-Verlag, Worms 2012, ISBN 978-3-936118-65-0

  • Studio views . Artwerk-Verlag, Dortmund.
  • Janosch . Galerie am Dom, Wetzlar 2007 (exhibition catalog).
  • 10 years Galerie Fuchsthal. A Mecca for graphics lovers in the Allgäu . In: Graphic Art. Vol. 61 (2003), pp. 50-52, ISSN  0342-3158 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.marchivum.de/de/chronikstar?field_beschlussdatum_value%5Bmin%5D=&field_beschlussdatum_value%5Bmax%5D=&chronikstarkat=All&text_op=contains&text=Orpel&cstitle_op=contains&cstitle=Orpel&sort_by=field_beschlussdatum_value&sort_order=DESC&jahr_von=&jahr_bis=