Help - the consumer magazine

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help - das Konsumentenmagazin is the weekly consumer magazine of the Austrian radio station ORF . The first program was broadcast on December 14, 1975 in the Ö3 program. Since October 6, 1996, the program has been part of the Ö1 program , where it is one of the most popular programs and is broadcast on Saturdays between 11:40 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Shipment history

In 1975 was ORF - Editor Dieter Dorner commissioned for the Austrian radio station Ö3 establish their own consumer Editors: result was "help - the consumer magazine", which was from December 1975 until June 1997, aired in the program Ö3. "Help" has been broadcast on the Ö1 program since October 6, 1996 , where the program is not only one of the longest-running ORF programs, but also one of the most popular Ö1 programs after the journals . Since the beginning of 2003, “help - the consumer magazine” owes its broadcasting slot to this popularity with the audience: Saturdays between 11:40 am and 12:00 pm.

The program title comes from the Beatles song of the same name Help! , whose distinctive opening bars served as a signature for the show for decades .

Shipment concept

"Help - das Konsumentenmagazin" is a consumer protection program where listeners with consumer protection complaints can turn to the "help" editorial team. This prepares justified complaints as part of a short radio broadcast, where the conflicting parties are interviewed and the problem is presented publicly. Against this background, many of the companies and companies criticized often react quickly in the interests of the complainant in order to keep the loss of company image associated with the media discussion of the conflict to a minimum. Further focus areas are the regular program sections "Tests", "Tips", "Consumer news of the week" and "End point".

In addition to the "help" articles, the "help" editorial team also creates current consumer protection articles for the journal and news programs as well as the nine regional radio stations of the ORF.


Sample programs

Sample articles from the online offer

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. - Awarded radio prizes for adult education . Article from January 20, 2016, accessed on January 20, 2016.