Henderson Lake, British Columbia

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Henderson Lake
Geographical location Vancouver Island , British Columbia , Canada
Drain to the Uchucklesit Inlet
Coordinates 49 ° 6 ′  N , 125 ° 2 ′  W Coordinates: 49 ° 6 ′  N , 125 ° 2 ′  W
Henderson Lake, British Columbia (British Columbia)
Henderson Lake, British Columbia
surface 15.45 km²dep1
length 14 km
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The Henderson Lake (originally Houtchucklis ) is a lake on Vancouver Iceland . It flows south into the Uchucklesit Inlet , which flows from the north into the lower section of Alberni Inlet .

Weather data from the Henderson Lake fish hatchery fish hatchery shows that the lake is located in one of the wettest areas in North America. At Henderson Lake, the average rainfall is 6,903 mm (272 in), and in 1997 fell 9,307 mm (366 in), an all-time record for Canada.


The original name of the lake is Houtchucklis , which comes from the First Nations Uchucklesaht . The lake and the area as well as the mountains were used by the First Nations for their spiritual practices. At the instigation of Robert Brown , commander of the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition in 1864, the lake was named after Captain John Henderson , who first reported the existence of the water to Brown.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ As the crow flies, estimated from the fold-out OpenStreetMap map
  2. BC Geographical NAMES Henderson Lake. apps.gov.bc.ca, accessed February 27, 2012 .
  3. Landforms of British Columbia - Physical Geography - Climate. liquisearch.com, accessed on October 28, 2016 ( Weather Extremes table ).
  4. BC Geographical NAMES Henderson Lake. apps.gov.bc.ca, accessed February 27, 2012 (Quoted from the Uchucklesaht Tribe Communications Coordinator October 2008 and September 2010.).
  5. ^ Robert Brown: Vancouver Island exploration, 1864 . Harries & co, Victoria, BC 1865, OCLC 753955349 , p. 23 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).