Henri-François Gaultier de Claubry

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Henri-François Gaultier de Claubry (born July 21, 1792 in Paris ; † July 4, 1878 there ) was a French chemist (toxicologist).

Gaultier de Claubry was the son of a doctor, studied in Paris and was a tutor at the École polytechnique . From 1835 he was professor of chemistry at the École de Pharmacie and from 1859 professor of toxicology.

In 1814, together with JJ Colin, he discovered the detection of starch by coloring it blue with iodine . He wrote the chapter forensic chemistry (Traité élémentaire de chimie legale) in the handbook of forensic medicine by J. Briand and Ernest Chaudé (1846).

He discovered the benefits of gall soap for removing stains.


Individual evidence

  1. Annales de chimie, Volume 90
  2. Archives