Henri Bint

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Henri-Jean Bint (alias Joly, Sommer or Gambain ) (born September 12, 1851 in Sulz , Alsace, † 1929 ) was a French secret agent who worked for the Russian secret police Ochrana .

Bint worked for the French Sûreté for ten years until 1885 . In 1885 Pyotr Ratschkowski recruited him for the Russian tsarist secret police. He often came to Switzerland to watch over the revolutionaries.

In 1886/87 he organized the destruction of the La Volonté du Peuple printing works in Geneva.

After suppressing mail for Russian revolutionaries like Vladimir Burtzew , he was arrested and expelled in October 1903.

During the First World War, he traveled to Switzerland 15 times. In February 1917 he was arrested in Lausanne and temporarily released on bail, after which he left Switzerland.


  • Danièle Tosato-Rigo, Antoine Fleury: Suisse-Russie ; P. 226
  • Marc Vuilleumier: Bint, Henri. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Ute Caumanns, Mathias Niendorf: Conspiracy theories: anthropological constants, historical variants, in: Individual publications of the German Historical Institute Warsaw, 6., Fiber, Osnabrück, 2001, ISBN 3-929-75947-0 , p. 101.
  • Michael Hagemeister : The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in court. The Bern Trial 1933–1937 and the “Anti-Semitic International” . Zurich: Chronos, 2017, ISBN 978-3-0340-1385-7 , p. 514

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marc Vuilleumier: Bint, Henri. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits on the side of the CIA