Henriette Davin

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Asker-Khan, Ambassador of Persia, 1809

Henriette Césarine Flore Davin (actually Henriette Césarine Flore Mirvault ; born June 3, 1773 in Paris , † November 25, 1844 there ) was a French miniature painter .

Henriette Davin was a student of Joseph-Benoît Suvée , Jacques-Louis David and Jacques Augustin . In 1798 Davin's first exhibition took place in the Salon de Paris , in which she participated regularly until 1822. Henriette Davin ran a well-attended painting school.

  • 1804 silver medal from the Salon de Paris
  • 1814 gold medal from the Salon de Paris

Individual evidence

  1. Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. P. 356 , accessed on May 1, 2017 (English).
  2. Astrid Reuter: Marie-Guilhelmine Benoist: Design spaces of an artist around 1800 . Lukas Verlag, 2002, ISBN 978-3-931836-86-3 , p. 118 ( google.at [accessed on May 1, 2017]).