Henry Carew

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Bickleigh Castle's gatehouse, rebuilt by Henry Carew

Sir Henry Carew († 1681 ) was an English nobleman.

Henry Carew came from the Carew family of Bickleigh Castle , a family of the Gentry of Devon . During the English Civil War he sided with the king. In 1644 he hosted Queen Henrietta Maria when she was fleeing to the Earl of Bedford in Exeter . In 1646 Bickleigh Castle was besieged and conquered by parliamentary troops under Thomas Fairfax . Subsequently, large parts of the castle were destroyed by Carew because of the support of the king. Reconstruction of the castle was forbidden, so Carew had a simple house built instead and the castle's gatehouse expanded after the civil war.

Around 1626 Carew had married Dorothy Mohun , a daughter of Sir Reginald Mohun, 1st Baronet and his wife Dorothy Chudleigh . With her he had several daughters, including:

Carew was buried with his wife in St Mary's Church in Bickleigh , where their magnificent funerary memorial has been preserved. Since he died without male offspring, his property was divided among his daughters. Bickleigh Castle fell to his daughter Elizabeth, who had married her distant cousin Thomas Carew of Haccombe.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bickleigh Castle - The Historical Timeline. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .
  2. ^ Bridget Cherry, Nikolaus Pevsner: Devon (Buildings of England). Penguin, London 1991, ISBN 0-14-071050-7 , p. 171