Hermann Lorenz (fellowship in Christ Jesus)

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Emil Hermann Lorenz (born June 11, 1864 in Oberlochmühle near Deutschneudorf ; † July 17, 1929 in Marterbüschel near Lengefeld ) was the founder of the chiliastic movement Community in Christ Jesus , which is limited to Saxony , also known as Lorenzianer .


After attending elementary school, the son of a master turner learned his father's trade. In 1888 he married the daughter of a hammer smith, with whom he had three children, and lived with his family in poor conditions in Hirschberg near Olbernhau. In 1895 he moved with his family to Forchheim , where he bought a house and leased a mill. After purchasing a closed oil mill in Marterbüschel, he began manufacturing ink erasers. In 1914, a few weeks before the outbreak of the First World War , Lorenz said that he had a vision in the course of which he prophesied one day after the outbreak of war that the war would assume an unexpected expansion, lead to ruin for the German Reich and would be the beginning of the end, whereupon the number of his followers grew and Lorenz was also recognized as the third messenger by the sons of the second messenger Ferdinand Oswald Schneider. The outcome of the war was taken by Lorenz and his supporters as a confirmation of his prophecy and the numerous criticisms of the "Lorenzians" from the local parishes were rejected. After the war, Lorenz deepened his work on the internal structure of the community and put his professional activities in the background. His health continued to deteriorate through his work for the community. After holding a prayer service in Eliasburg on the morning of July 17, 1929, he collapsed and died a little later. He was buried in the garden of Eliasburg.
