Dominion high-rise

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Castle high-rise

The Herrschaft Hochhaus emerged in the High Middle Ages from a side line of the noble von Hürnheim family . This branch of the family was named after its ancestral home, the high-rise castle built around 1200 on what is now Hohenaltheim .

In 1236 Rudolf I von Hochhaus was named as a witness in a document . In 1347 the manor and castle were sold by Konrad II to the Counts of Oettingen-Oettingen and incorporated into the County of Oettingen . The lords of Hochhaus died out in the male line in 1353.

The high-rise rulership owned goods in Oberringingen , Unterringingen and Warnhofen .


  • Georg Lill (Ed.), Karl Gröber: Die Kunstdenkmäler von Bayern, VII (Swabia), 1: District Office Nördlingen . R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1938, pp. 204-208. (Reprint: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1982, ISBN 3-486-50514-9 )
  • Georg Wörishofer, Alfred Sigg, Reinhard H. Seitz: Cities, Markets and Communities . In: The district of Dillingen ad Donau in the past and present . Ed. from the district of Dillingen ad Donau, 3rd revised edition, Dillingen an der Donau 2005.

Web links

Commons : Burg Hochhaus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 47 ′ 13.9 ″  N , 10 ° 29 ′ 13.2 ″  E