Valvular heart disease

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Classification according to ICD-10
I05.0 Mitral valve stenosis
- mitral valve obstruction (rheumatic)
I06.0 Rheumatic aortic stenosis
I07.0 Tricuspid valve stenosis
- tricuspid valve stenosis (rheumatic)
I08 Multiple heart valve diseases
I09.8 Other specified rheumatic heart diseases
- Rheumatic disease of the pulmonary valve
I34.2 Non-rheumatic mitral valve stenosis
I35.0 Aortic stenosis
I36.0 Non-rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis
I37.0 Pulmonary valve stenosis
Q22 Congenital malformations of the pulmonary and tricuspid valves
Q23 Congenital malformations of the aortic and mitral valves
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Heart valve defects or valve vitia is the generic term in medicine for congenital or acquired functional disorders of one or more heart valves .

A heart valve defect ( Vitium cordis ) can affect any of the four heart valves, whereby the valves in the left heart ( aortic and mitral valves ) are affected significantly more frequently than those in the right heart ( pulmonary and tricuspid valves ). The functional disorder can consist of a narrowing ( stenosis ), an incapacity to work ( insufficiency ) or a combination of both ( combined vitium ).

The severity of heart valve disease can be assessed using the criteria of the NYHA classification . Mild heart valve defects do not cause any symptoms and do not require any special therapy . High-grade vitia, on the other hand, are usually symptomatic and must be treated frequently after a careful cardiological examination. Since it is hardly possible to influence it with medication, surgical therapy is usually recommended, either as a valve reconstruction or as a valve replacement . In rare cases of valve stenosis, dilation as part of a cardiac catheter treatment is possible and useful.

If necessary, patients with a heart valve defect must receive endocarditis prophylaxis to prevent bacterial infection of the heart valve ( endocarditis ) . For this purpose, an antibiotic is prescribed once or twice if bacteria are present or expected in the blood because previously damaged heart valves show a higher risk of being damaged by bacterial inflammation.


See also


  • Hans Joachim Geißler et al .: Heart valve surgery today: indication, surgical technique and selected aspects of aftercare for acquired heart valve diseases . In: Dtsch Arztebl Int . No. 106 (13) , 2009, pp. 224-233 ( Article ).
  • Klaus Holldack, Klaus Gahl: Auscultation and percussion. Inspection and palpation. Thieme, Stuttgart 1955; 10th, revised edition, ibid 1986, ISBN 3-13-352410-0 , pp. 98-147, 148-181 and more often.
  • Herbert Reindell , Helmut Klepzig: diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In: Ludwig Heilmeyer (ed.): Textbook of internal medicine. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1955; 2nd edition ibid. 1961, pp. 450-598, here: pp. 522-534 ( Die Herzklappen Fehler ).

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhard Larsen: Anesthesia and intensive medicine in cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery. (1st edition 1986) 5th edition. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York et al. 1999, ISBN 3-540-65024-5 , p. 220.