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Heterocarpy , also different fruitiness , is a term from botany and means the occurrence of differently shaped fruits.

The term describes the fact that in some plant species the same individual forms different types of fruit , which are then also spread in different ways. Some types of dandelion ( leontodon ) develop achenes with and without a fringe of hair ( pappus ) that helps the wind to spread . Heterocarp fruits are also found in the marigold ( calendula ) (outer longer, inner shorter and more curved).


  • Herder Lexicon of Biology. Spectrum academ. Verlag, 1994. ISBN 3-86025-156-2 .
  • D. v. Denffer, H. Ziegler, F. Ehrendorfer, A. Bresinsky: Strasburger - textbook of botany for universities. 32nd edition. G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart / New York 1983, ISBN 3-437-20295-2 .
  • R. Düll, H. Kutzelnigg: Botanical-ecological excursion pocket book. 3rd edition, Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg u. a., 1988, ISBN 3-494-01177-X .