Witch's cut

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Under hexene sectional understands Zimmerer a further working step at a hip rafter or valley rafters are made must, if at Traufpunkt the rafters no horizontal or the vertical portion is provided.

Usually the rafters are not cut horizontally or perpendicularly at the eaves point, which would be the simplest designs from a structural point of view. A non-horizontal or plumb section is used to attach a roof box or trim.

If a ridge or a valley , that is to say also a hip rafter or a valley rafter, is present in the roof , a similar problem arises on which the trimming or groove is based. Since the hip rafters and valley rafters have a different smaller slope than the rafters of the roof surfaces, a section at the same angle as the rafters would lead to an unevenness in the eaves cut. The angles of the sections on hip rafters and valley rafters are determined and executed by means of a geometric shift. The result is an eaves cut on hip or valley rafters that is flush with the rafter eaves cuts. Skilled carpenters can ensure that the hex cut runs symmetrically even with uneven roof slopes by optimally coordinating the eaves sections of the rafters.

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