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Hiarne was a legendary 4th century Danish king .

He is said to have made a name for himself as a skald when he composed a grave song for King Frotho I (Frode): According to legend, he was offered the crown for this act, as the heir Frithleif (Friedleif) had not been found for years. Then driven from the throne by Frithleif on his return, Hiarne fled to the island of Hjarnø , which is said to have been named after him. Later he is said to have entered the service of Frithleif under a false name in order to wrest the royal dignity from him through cunning or murder. Finally, Frithleif is said to have killed him in a duel.


The legendary material was worked up variously in the 19th century:


  • Ludvig Holberg : Danish Empire History, translated into German. (First part, 1757, digitized version), p. 49 (In the Latin original: Hiarnus )
  • History of the Nordic Empires (Vienna 1823, digitized version ), p. 35.
  • Pierer's Universal Lexikon, Volume 8. Altenburg 1859, pp. 360–361.