Hilbert's basic set

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The Hilbert's base rate (after David Hilbert ) is a basic set of algebraic geometry , he combines various finiteness conditions.

This article is about commutative algebra. In particular, all rings under consideration are commutative and have a one element. For more details, see Commutative Algebra .


Hilbert's basic theorem states in its general form:

  • If a ring is Noetherian , then every polynomial ring with coefficients is Noetherian.

Since the algebras of finite type are exactly the quotient rings of polynomial rings, this statement is equivalent to:

  • If a Noetherian ring and an algebra are of finite type, then also Noetherian.

The version proved by Hilbert (except for the language usage) in 1888 deals with the special case of the body :

  • The polynomial ring over a body is Noetherian.


An important application is the following statement: If a subset of one for a body is described by an infinite number of polynomial equations, then a finite number of them are sufficient.

More formal: Let be an arbitrary set of polynomials with the set of common zeros (also called a vanishing set of ):

Then there are finally many , so that is true


This is the hardest part of proving the statement that the Zariski topology is a topology.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hilbert, Ueber die theory der Algebraischenformen, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 36, 1890, pp. 473-534
  2. Ernst Kunz: Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry , Vieweg (1980), ISBN 3-528-07246-6 , Chapter I, §2, Theorem 2.3 (very brief proof)
  3. ^ BL van der Waerden : Algebra II, Springer-Verlag (1967), ISBN 3-540-03869-8 , §115