Hilde Weber

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Hilde Weber (born September 9, 1913 in Waldau (Kassel) ; † December 13, 1994 in São Paulo ) was a German-Brazilian painter , draftsman , illustrator and ceramist. She was the first female cartoonist in the Brazilian press.

life and work

Weber studied at the Hochschule für Grafik in Hamburg until 1932 and worked as an illustrator for newspapers in Altona. On August 3, 1933, she came to Brazil to meet her father Edmund Weber, who had relocated there as an aviator after the First World War. In Rio de Janeiro she became a caricaturist for the Tribuna da Imprensa, illustrating the reports written by Rubem Braga . From 1943 to 1950 she drew for the newspapers Folha da Manhã and Ilustrada Noite in São Paulo. She joined the artistic group Santelenistas, which met in the Palace of Saint Helena. She painted and worked with ceramics with artists such as Alfredo Volpi (1896–1988) and Mário Zanini (1907–1971). In 1950 she moved to Rio de Janeiro and worked at the Tribuna da Imprensa of Carlos Lacerda (1914–1977). She is known for the political cartoons and caricatures of President Getúlio Vargas (1882–1954). In 1962 she finally moved to São Paulo and worked for the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo. In 1960 she was awarded the Latin America section of the World Newspaper Forum Caricature Contest for the best international cartoons. She took part in the 1st to 4th and 6th International Biennale São Paulo, the Modern Art Exhibition in Belo Horizonte and the National Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. In 1986 her drawings appeared in the book "Brazil in Charges 1950–1985". In 1989 she retired. Weber was married three times, in the second marriage to the journalist Claudio Abramo (1923-1987), with whom she has a son, Claudio Weber Abramo .


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