Hildegard Lenz

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Hildegard Lenz b. Steffens married Piesker (born June 17, 1933 in Hamburg ) is an SPD politician in Bremerhaven. She was a member of the Bremen citizenship.


Lenz worked as an administrative clerk and as a teacher in Bremerhaven. From 1971 to 1995 she was a member of the Bremen citizenship for 24 years and was active in various deputations and committees of the citizenship. In 1979 she married Bremerhaven's Lord Mayor Werner Lenz (KPD, SPD, AfB). She was deputy chairman from 1983 to 1991 and chairman of the Petitions Committee from 1991 to 1995 . 1987–1995 she was secretary in the city council. Like her husband, she left the SPD in 1995.

Honorary positions

  • Chairwoman of the Friends of Thieles Garten
  • Chairwoman of the Friends of the Press Club in Bremerhaven.


  • Norbert Korfmacher: Directory of Members of the Bremen Citizenship 1946 to 1996 (= municipal politics , vol. 1). LIT, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3212-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Lenz: There are no straight paths . Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Bremerhaven 2006, ISBN 3-86509-461-9 , p. 511 (autobiography).