Hill GH2

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Hill GH2

The Hill GH2 was a Formula 1 racing car , built in 1975 by Team Hill , but never used in a world championship run.

The Hill GH2 was the first independent Formula 1 racing car that Andy Smallman built for Graham Hill's team and that was to be used in the 1976 World Championship. The previous model, the GH1, was based on the Lola T371 . The GH2 had extremely flat side pods, which gave the car a slim silhouette. Tony Brise began extensive testing at Silverstone in the late summer of 1975 . The times achieved gave the team hope for a successful season.

The project came to a standstill when Graham Hill, Tony Brise and Andy Smallman died in a plane crash in November 1975. A GH2 was built and is now in a British automobile museum.

Literature and Sources

  • David Hodges: Racing Cars from A – Z after 1945. Motorbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-613-01477-7 , p. 116.

Web links

Commons : Hill GH2  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files