Hiroshi Tada

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Hiroshi Tada (多 田 宏, Japanese Tada Hiroshi ) (born  December 14, 1929 in Tokyo ) is a high-ranking Japanese Aikidō teacher and direct student of Aikidō founder Ueshiba Morihei .

Tada, who also learned karate , began to train at the age of 20 in the Aikikai Honbu Dōjō Aikidō, where he became aikidō teacher in 1954. During this time he completed a law degree at Waseda University. In 1964 he was sent to Italy as Shihan to teach Aikido there. In 1972 Tada returned to Tokyo, where he still runs his own dōjō today . But he continues to give Aikido courses in Europe. To support the Ki aspect in Aikidō he teaches certain breathing and meditation techniques (Ki no Renma). He carries the 9th Dan of Aikikai and is currently the only living active Aikidōka with this graduation of Aikikai.

He is a member of the Senior Council of the IAF ( International Aikidō Federation ). He is the technical director of the Aikikai Association and is responsible for the general teaching line instructed by the Association.

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Individual evidence

  1. cf. Article on Tada in the Encyclopedia of Aikido ( Memento of November 4, 2007 in the Internet Archive )