Hisaki Matsuura

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Hisaki Matsuura ( Japanese 松浦 寿 輝 , Matsuura Hisaki , born March 18, 1954 in Tokyo ) is a Japanese writer, literary and cultural scholar.

Matsuura studied Romance languages ​​at the University of Tokyo and at the University of Paris , where he submitted a dissertation on André Breton . He was a professor at Tokyo University. As a writer, Matsuura has received several prizes, including the Takami Jun Prize for Fuyu no hon ( 冬 の 本 , 1988), the Mishima Prize for Orikuchi Shinobu ron ( 折 口信 夫 論 , 1996), the Akutagawa Prize for Hana kutashi ( 花 腐 し , 2000), the Yomiuri Literature Prize for Hantō ( 半島 , 2005), the Kiyama Shōhei Literature Prize for Ayame karei hikagami ( あ や め 鰈 ひ か が み , 2005), the Hagiwara Sakutarō Prize for Kissui toshi ( 吃水 都市 , 2009), the Tanizaki Jun'ichirō Prize for Meiyo to kōkotsu ( 名誉 と 恍惚 , 2017) and also in 2017 the Bunkamura Prix des Deux Magots .
