Heat wave in Siberia 2020

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The heat wave in Siberia 2020 was a period of unusually hot days lasting several months in Siberia in the summer half of 2020.

Temperatures of up to 38 degrees Celsius were measured at the cold pole of the (inhabited) earth ( Verkhoyansk ). This value was reached on June 20, 2020. Tropical air in the region and a large high pressure area were responsible for the record temperature .

According to Anders Levermann from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research , the temperatures in Siberia from January to May 2020 were around 7 degrees Celsius warmer than usual. The jet stream is not sufficient to explain this, as it lasts shorter; it is a completely new phenomenon.

The heat wave is associated with global warming in the Arctic (see also Consequences of global warming in the Arctic ). On July 15, 2020, a research team published the results of a study of various climate models of current climate events in Siberia. They attribute the heat wave to human influences. The warming of Siberia is such an extreme climatic event that, even taking climate change into account, it would only occur every 130 years; Without climate change there would only be a corresponding extreme weather situation about every 80,000 years. According to the authors of the study, humans increase the probability of such heat waves through greenhouse gas emissions by 600 times.

As a result of the extreme heat, thawing of the permafrost can be observed. The diesel oil catastrophe near Norilsk can therefore be assessed as a consequence of the heat wave.

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Individual evidence

  1. Tanja Fieber: Heat wave in Siberia can only be explained by climate change. In: br.de. July 16, 2020, accessed August 19, 2020 .