High value word

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High value word is a term used in rhetoric for words or short phrases that are intended to evoke positive emotions. They are used specifically in political speeches in order to win over the audience for their own position. They are indispensable components of populism , demagogy , propaganda and agitation . They also play a significant role in the language of advertising.

Due to their frequent use, high value words are subject to a strong change in meaning . Many words, such as " Aryans ", " Führer ", " Total War ", had a positive connotation during the Nazi era , after 1945 this impression began to change, so that today a large part of the population speaks of a negative high-value word can be. Therefore, a speech to recipients who were not targeted can have a completely different or negative or simply strange effect, such as the Sportpalast speech to a recipient today.

Examples of high value words, depending on the target group :

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nina Janich: Advertising language. 2nd Edition. Narr, Tübingen 2001, pp. 117ff. ISBN 3-8233-4974-0

Web links

Wiktionary: High value  word - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations