Testicular atrophy

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With testicular atrophy (colloquially "shrunken testicles "), one or both testicles of the man are greatly reduced in size. The volume is sometimes less than a cubic centimeter. As a rule, a severely atrophied testicle no longer functions - neither sperm nor hormones are produced . If the volume is over one cubic centimeter, hormone production is still achieved in isolated cases.

Causes can be: inflammation of the testicles , broken testicles , trauma , testicular torsion, circulatory disorders, abuse of anabolic steroids , myotonic dystrophy type 2 , use of estrogen preparations and antiandrogens in transsexualism . In addition, testicular atrophy can also be caused by liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis . But there are also genetic causes, such as in the case of Klinefelter syndrome .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Carlos Thomas (Ed.): Special Pathology. Schattauer Verlag, 1996, ISBN 3-7945-1713-X , p. 379.