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Hofni was a son of the high priest Eli and brother of Pinchas .

According to the Tanach / Old Testament , Hofni and his brother performed the priestly service at the Ark of the Covenant in Silo ( 1 Sam 1.3  EU ). In their priestly service they disregarded cultic regulations about their ministry ( 2 Sam 2: 12-17  EU ). Both died in the battle of Aphek against the Philistines ( 1 Sam 4,1-18  EU ).

family tree

In 1 Chr 24.3  EU is Abimelech , a grandnephew Hofnis and great-grandson of Eli as "son Itamar " (the fourth son of Levi called). It remains unclear whether Hofni is a grandson or an even more distant descendant of Itamar.

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