Hommage au public Russian

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The Hommage au public Russe is a composition called potpourri by Johann Strauss Sohn (without opus number). It was first performed on August 6, 1864 in Pavlovsk , Russia.


The work was composed during the composer's trip to Russia in 1864. For this potpourri, Strauss used Russian themes that were taken from both composed works such as B. the operas A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila by the Russian composer Michail Ivanovich Glinka , but also come from folk songs and dances. The composition was apparently only published in Russia and only as a piano reduction. Strauss himself apparently only played his composition in Russia, including on a further visit in 1869. After that, it disappeared in the archives. In the middle of the 20th century, the plant was found again in what was then Leningrad. Later, Dr. Thomas Aigner from the Vienna Institute for Strauss Research discovered the original orchestral version. On the basis of this, the CD recording mentioned below, arranged by Christian Pollack , was made. Apparently the work was not played for about 100 years after 1869.

The playing time on the CD listed under itemization is 21 minutes and 24 seconds. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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Individual proof

  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 110) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), publisher Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the seventh track on the 42nd CD.