Hiroyuki Hosoda

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Hiroyuki Hosoda (2016)

Hiroyuki Hosoda ( Japanese 細 田 博 之 , Hosoda Hiroyuki ; born April 5, 1944 in Matsue , Shimane Prefecture ) is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and a member of the Shūgiin , the lower house of the national parliament, for the constituency of Shimane 1. Within the party, he has been leading the numerically strongest faction, the Hosoda faction , since 2014 .


Hosoda is the eldest son of the LDP MP and Minister Kichizō Hosoda . After studying law at the University of Tokyo , he became a civil servant in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in 1967 . From 1983 he worked for the public company Sekiyu Kōdan ( English Japan National Oil Corp ) in Washington, DC After two years he initially returned to MITI, but left it permanently in 1986 to work as a secretary for his father.

When his father retired from politics for the 1990 Shūgiin election , he successfully ran for his successor in the Shimane constituency (five seats; included the entire prefecture). He was confirmed in 1993, and since 1996 he has been re-elected six times in the Shimane 1 constituency.

In 1994 Hosoda became parliamentary state secretary ( seimujikan ) in the economic planning authority. From 2002 to 2003 he served as Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs , Data Protection, and Science and Technology Policy for the first time. He then became Deputy Cabinet Secretary . In 2004, he replaced Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda when he resigned due to missed payments into the state pension system. In a cabinet reshuffle in October 2005, Prime Minister Jun'ichirō Koizumi replaced him with Shinzō Abe .

In the LDP, Hosoda had already occupied middle management positions as head of the foreign affairs department in 1998 and as deputy general secretary in 2001. In 2005, as head of the committee for parliamentary affairs, he was given a key position in the party leadership for the first time until 2006. From 2008 to 2009 he was general secretary of the party under the party chairman Tarō Asō . In 2012 and again from 2016 to 2017 he was chairman of the executive council of the LDP under Shinzō Abe .

After the sick Seiwa Seisaku Kenkyūkai chairman Nobutaka Machimura withdrew from politics, Hosoda took over the leadership of the faction in December 2014.

Individual evidence

  1. Nihon Keizai Shimbun : 自民党 総 務 会長 に 細 田元官 房 長官 (Japanese), accessed March 13, 2017

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