House of Monymusk

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House of Monymusk

House of Monymusk is a manor house in the Scottish village of Monymusk in the Council Area Aberdeenshire . In 1972 the building was included in the Scottish monument lists in the highest monument category A.


The nucleus of the mansion was a tower house , which is believed to be an escape tower of the Augustinian monks of the nearby priory (see Monymusk Parish Church ). During the Reformation in Scotland , the last abbot of Monymusk sold the property to William Forbes . Around 1584 he had a new Tower House built on the site. In 1712, the Grant Clan acquired the defense tower. In the period that followed, the House of Monymusk was redesigned and expanded several times. The last significant construction phase took place in 1888.


The manor is isolated on the eastern edge of Monymusk on the right bank of the Don . It has an L-shaped floor plan with various smaller wings extending outwards. The former Tower House is now part of the south wing. Formerly it was equipped with a crenellated parapet as well as corner tourelles , which have since been removed in favor of a gable roof . The other parts of the building have one to two floors. The facades are plastered with Harl .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Listed Building - Entry . In: Historic Scotland .
  2. Entry on House of Monymusk  in Canmore, the database of Historic Environment Scotland (English)

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 13 '43.6 "  N , 2 ° 31' 1.4"  W.