Huernia piersii

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Huernia piersii
Huernia piersii

Huernia piersii

Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Ceropegieae
Sub tribus : Stapeliinae
Genre : Huernia
Type : Huernia piersii
Scientific name
Huernia piersii

Huernia piersii is a species of the subfamily of the silk plant family (Asclepiadoideae).


Huernia piersii forms stem succulent , upright and dense shoots that are up to 5 cm high and 1.5 cm in diameter. They are 4-ribbed in cross-section. They are dull green and irregularly covered with purple spots. The warts are splayed out and 1 to 2 mm long. The corolla is directed upwards or outwards, the stem can be up to 4 cm long, usually up to 2.5 cm. It is greenish to yellowish on the outside, cream to yellowish on the inside and has a diameter of up to 3.5 cm. In the lower part it has a bell-shaped shape, the upper parts are flat bowl-shaped, the tips are spread out flat. The crown tube is lined dark red-brown at the base, concentrically red-brown in the higher part (on a yellowish-cream-colored background), and red-brown dotted in the area of ​​the tips. The elongated, pointed crown lobes are triangular and measure about 1 × 1 cm. There are mostly pointed, about 1.5 mm long intermediate lobes. They are densely covered with columnar papillae, and occasionally also hairy at the apex. The hair is dark red-brown, stiff, upright and more or less thickened at the top. The secondary crown has a diameter of about 4.5 mm. The dark red to almost black interstaminal coronary lobes are approximately square or rectangular and clearly divided into two. The brownish, staminal corolla lobes, which become darker towards the apex, are sub-like and touch above the stylus head, then diverging again. They end bluntly and are covered with fine warts. A lot of nectar is produced at the beginning, so the side crown is initially moist. The pollinia are brownish-yellowish.

Geographical distribution

The species occurs in the Republic of South Africa ( Eastern Cape Province ).


  • Focke Albers, Ulli Meve (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon Volume 3 Asclepiadaceae (silk plants) . Ulmer, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 978-3-8001-3982-8 , p. 170.

Web links

Commons : Huernia piersii  - collection of images, videos and audio files