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Representation of the Huitzilíhuitl

Huitzilíhuitl ( Nahuatl for pen of the hummingbird , * 1380 ; † 1417 in Tenochtitlán ) was ruler of the city of Tenochtitlán from 1391 until his death in 1417.

Huitzilíhuitl was probably the son of Acamapichtli and his wife Ilancueitl , although their motherhood is not guaranteed. He first married a woman from the Tlacopan dynasty ; later one of the daughters of the Tibetan ruler Tezozómoc and so connected Tenochtitlán more closely with the surrounding cities.

Under Huitzilíhuitl, the military position of the Aztecs was strengthened. Among other things, he introduced the office of Tlacochcalcatl , the first owner of which was Huitzilíhuitl's brother Itzcóatl , and had armored canoes built for combat for the first time . A military expedition to Cuauhtinchán in 1398 that was subsequently led with warriors from Tlatelolco has not been secured. Huitzilíhuitl later succeeded in taking Xaltocán, a place belonging to the Otomí people, on the north shore of Lake Texcoco ; shortly afterwards probably also for a short time the city of Chalco . Through these conquests, which took place on behalf of the Tezozómoc, the latter was able to consolidate his position of power through the installation of his sons as new rulers. From 1414 to 1417 Huitzilíhuitl supported the Tepaneks in their victory over Ixtlilxochitl Ometochtli , the ruler of the Acolhua .

Before the end of the war against the Acolhua, Huitzilíhuitl died. His successor was his underage son, Chimalpopoca , who had emerged from the connection with the daughter of Tezozómoc .

He was the father of Moctezuma I , who was ruler of Tenochtitlán from 1440 to 1469.
