Humaira Begum

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Mohammed Zahir Shah and Humaira Begum.

Humaira Begum Shah (born July 24, 1918 - June 26, 2002 in Rome ) was the wife of the Shah of Afghanistan Mohammed Zahir Shah .


The then 17-year-old Mohammed Sahir Shah married 13-year-old Humaira Begum on November 7, 1931. Their marriage has eight children:

  • Bilqis Begum (* 1932)
  • Mohammed Akbar Khan (August 10, 1933 - November 26, 1942)
  • Ahmad Shah Khan (* 1934), Crown Prince
  • Maryam Begum (* 1936)
  • Mohammed Nadir Khan (* 1941)
  • Shah Mahmud Khan (November 15, 1946 - December 2002)
  • Mohammed Daoud Pashtunyar Khan (* 1949)
  • Mir Wais Khan (* 1957)

After the palace revolt in 1973, the royal couple lived in exile in a villa in the prominent Roman suburb of Olgiata. Six years before her death, she developed a light allergy . From then on she lived in her darkened bedroom, which she rarely left.

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