Humberto Mello Nóbrega

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Humberto Mello Nóbrega (born March 9, 1901 , † January 31, 1978 ) was a Brazilian writer and literary historian.

Mello Nóbrega's first book was a bibliographic essay on the writer Batista Cepelos , published in 1937. The volume of poetry O outro lado da montanha followed the next year . As a dramatist he emerged in 1941 with the play Oitenta e nove . An essay on the Rio Tietê appeared in 1948 under the title História de um rio . This was followed in 1954 by a book on the Sonnet d'Arvers by the French poet Félix Arvers . In 1959 he published a book about the author of the Berço sonnet , the almost forgotten poet Bernardino Lopes . In the same year he published an annotated collection of sonnets under the title Os Sonetos do Soneto . Nóbrega wrote the libretti for the operas O Chalaça and O Sargento de Milícias for the composer Francisco Mignone .

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