Whore (large parish)

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Whore (Inner Mongolia)
Inner Mongolia localization in China
Whore Parish on the Inner Mongolia map.

The large community of whore ( Chinese  库伦 镇 , Pinyin Kùlún zhèn ) is the main place of the whore banner of the district-free city of Tongliao in the east of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in the northeast of the People's Republic of China . The sights of the place include the " Three Great Temples of Whore " ( 库伦 三大寺 , Kulun sandasi ) from the time of the Qing Dynasty : the Yingyuan Temple (兴 源 寺), the Fuyuan Temple (福缘 寺) and the Xiangjiao Temple (象 教 寺), which are located on the north bank of the river. They have been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (6-494) since 2006 .

Coordinates: 42 ° 44 '  N , 121 ° 46'  E