Hussite shield

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Hussite shield of the ČSSR

As Hussitenschild in the will Heraldry pentagonal plate of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic referred from the period 1960-1990. It is rectangular, widened towards the top, and the head of the shield ends in a triangle. This shape should be reminiscent of the religious wars of the 15th century . The communists trusted in “Hussite traditions” and replaced the old knight's shield with this pentagonal one. Basically, the shield was unheraldic. The shield shape allowed a double-tailed Bohemian lion on the coat of arms of the republic in red , in silver with a central shieldoccupied, and above it near the head of the shield to represent a gold-framed red star .


  • Gert Oswald : Lexicon Heraldry. (Page 208); Bibliographical Institute, Leipzig 1984.