
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The hydrobiosphere ( gr . Hydor "water", bios "life", sphaira "ball") is the habitat of the hydrobios, the ( aquatic ) living world of water. The hydrosphere is part of both the hydrosphere and the biosphere .

The living beings of fresh water in their entirety form the Limnobios, inhabitants of the salt water accordingly the Halobios. The term "Hydrobios" stands in contrast to " Geobios ", the ( terrestrial ) living world of the solid land.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Erwin J. Hentschel, Günther H. Wagner: Zoological dictionary. Animal names, general biological, anatomical, physiological terms and biographical data. With an “Introduction to Terminology and Nomenclature”, a “Directory of Author's Names” and an “Overview of the System of the Animal Kingdom” . 6th revised and expanded edition. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1996, ISBN 3-8252-0367-0 , p. 314 ( university paperbacks 367 natural sciences ).