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Hydrophoria ( ancient Greek Ύδροφόρια ) were festivals in ancient Greece . Inspections for the city of Athens and the island of Aegina have been handed down .

The festival in Athens is presented in the Suda with reference to Apollonios of Acharnai as a funeral; here, as in the Etymologicum magnum , its origin is traced back to the Deucalionic flood . Since the last day of the Anthesteria , the festival of sacrifice of the Chytres, is also aitiologically traced back to the Deucalionic Flood, it was assumed that the Hydrophoria was committed either in the course of the Chytres or shortly afterwards in the form of a water offering to the dead. The date of the festival was therefore taken to be the 13th Anthesterion , which, according to Felix Jacoby , who separated the Hydrophoria from the Chytras, cannot have been the case. Erika Simon sees the offering of a sacrifice by water views on several late Archaic hydriai from Athens confirmed that show a procession carrying hydriai girl.

The Hydrophoria attested in a Scholion at Pindar in Aegina are equated with the Agon Amphorites ( Ἀμφορίτης ἀγών ), celebrated in the month of Delphinion , in which the agonists competed with water jugs on their shoulders.



  1. Suda , keyword Ύδροφόρια , Adler number: upsilon 68 , Suda-Online
  2. Etymologicum magnum s. v. Ύδροφόρια
  3. Ludwig Deubner : Attic festivals. Heinrich Keller, Berlin 1932 (reprinted unchanged: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt / Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1956), pp. 93–123.
  4. ^ Paul Stengel : Hydrophoria. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume IX, 1, Stuttgart 1914, Col. 86 f.
  5. ^ Felix Jacoby: The fragments of the Greek historians (FGrHist). Part 3 B: Commentary on No. 297-607. Text-notes. Brill, Leiden 1955, p. 127 f.
  6. Erika Simon : Festivals of Attica. An archaeological commentary. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison WI 1983, ISBN 0-299-09180-5 , p. 99.
  7. Scholion zu Pindar , Nemeen 5, 81.
  8. Martin Persson Nilsson : Greek festivals of religious importance excluding the Attic. Teubner, Leipzig 1906, p. 172f. ( Digitized version ); Emil Reisch : Ἀμφορίτης ἀγών . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 2, Stuttgart 1894, Col. 1976.
  9. Etymologicum magnum sv Άμφιφορίτης