IGN - International Society for Animal Husbandry

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The International Society for Farm Animal Husbandry ( IGN ) is an animal welfare organization that works on a scientific basis for animal welfare and animal rights in Switzerland and abroad. The seat is in Bern .


The society was founded in 1978 by Swiss and German scientists at the suggestion and with the support of Felix Wankel .

The IGN promotes - according to its own statements - the animal-friendly keeping , breeding , nutrition and treatment of farm animals on a scientific basis. It promotes consideration of the species-specific needs of farm animals in animal husbandry practice and in animal welfare regulations.

At the national and international level, the IGN works on legal regulations for animal-friendly husbandry. It promotes efforts to take ethological , physiological and clinical arguments into account in the design and implementation of animal welfare legislation and, according to the statutes, supports both basic research and applied research . The IGN also advocates that the species-specific needs of the animals are taken into account in feeding and breeding.

According to their self-portrayal, the members of the IGN are scientists and experts in ethology, agricultural sciences , veterinary medicine , ethics , philosophy , animal welfare, law and public authorities.


The IGN provides information on questions of animal welfare through conferences, workshops, publications and statements. The information sheet "Livestock husbandry" is also published, which primarily contains abstracts of scientific publications in the various fields of livestock husbandry.

Research award

The IGN awards a research award every year. The award is given to outstanding scientific achievements that serve the further development of species-appropriate and behavior-appropriate animal husbandry. With the research award, the IGN supports scientists who better harmonize economy and ethics in the field of animal husbandry. The IGN research award is financially supported by the Felix Wankel Foundation, the German Animal Welfare Association , Swiss Animal Welfare STS and Zurich Animal Welfare.

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