ISO 2859

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Logo of the German Institute for Standardization DIN ISO 2859
Area Quality inspection
title Acceptance sample check based on the number of defective units or defects (attribute check)
Latest edition 5 parts, see text
ISO 2859

The ISO - Standard ISO 2859 Acceptance sampling based on the number of defective units or error (attribute check) describes a test method in statistical quality control , wherein the attributive characteristics ( iO be checked / NG). It was introduced in 1974 and is based on the Military Standard 105 D (ABC-STD-105 D) of the American armed forces for quality testing of the weapons and equipment to be purchased. ISO 2859 focuses on discrete (countable or verifiable) features. It supplements ISO 3951 for tests based on measured values ​​and variable tests.

ISO 2859 is available in Germany as a five-part DIN standard DIN ISO 2859 (as of August 2014):

  • Part 1: Sampling plans ordered according to the acceptable quality limit (AQL) for the examination of a series of lots, current edition 2014-08
  • Part 2: Sampling instructions for the inspection of individual lots based on the number of defective units, ordered according to the quality limit layer (LQ) to be rejected, current edition 1993-04
  • Part 3: Skip-Lot-Procedure, current edition 2007-10
  • Part 4: Procedure for assessing declared quality levels, current edition 2005-09
  • Part 10: Introduction to the ISO 2859 attribute sampling system, current edition 2009-12

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolf Dutter (2003) The ISO 2859 standard ; Website of the TU-Wien Online ( Memento of October 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 4, 2013.
  2. a b Friedhelm Denkeler (2007) The AQL sample system according to DIN ISO 2859-1 , online (PDF; 27 kB).