
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Iteso or Teso are the second largest ethnic group in Uganda with an estimated 8.1% of the population, i.e. around 2,500,000 individuals , and there are also around 280,000 Iteso in neighboring Kenya . They belong to the Nilotic peoples. Their East Nilotic language is called Ateso .

In Uganda, the settlement area of ​​the Iteso extends from Karamoja to Lake Kyoga and includes the districts of Soroti , Kumi , Katakwi , Amuria and Kaberamaido . In Kenya they live in the Busia district, also around the border town of Malaba . The Iteso farm, and since the introduction of cash crops around 1912 they have also grown coffee and cotton for sale. Their society is organized on the one hand in loosely organized clans with elders at the top, and on the other in age groups.

A well-known Teso is the Catholic bishop of Kakamega in Kenya, Philip Sulumeti .
