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Iabtju in hieroglyphics
R15 b G4 Z3

Eastern residents
In Hurghada on the Red Sea. The Arabian Desert extends in northeast Egypt to the bitter lakes

Iabtju (also Iabtiu ) referred to one of the nine-arch peoples in the Egyptian language . In the lists of the nine arch peoples from Tanis and Tebtynis , among others, the synonyms " Upper Egypt " and "Land of the Upper Egyptian King ( Pharaoh )" are assigned to the "Iabtju" in an additional declaration .

The areas of Iuntiu , Mentju-nu-Setjet ( Asian Bedouins ), Ascheru -Syrer, Setjet (dt. "Asians") Chaset-charu (dt. " Syrian desert ") and Hau nebut be separately as nine bows peoples in these lists listed. The "Iabtju" region referred to the inhabitants of the desert areas to the east , which reached to the borders of the Mentju .
