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Setjet in hieroglyphics
S22 V13

s S22 X1

The northern countries of the Asians

Setjet was the ancient Egyptian name for the desert areas east of Retjenu on the Sinai Peninsula or beyond. In those areas there were mines to which the kings ( pharaohs ) carried out expeditions since the early days . Under King Djer , the term Setjet countries was also used for the entire region of the countries located in West Asia .

Setjet was on the Egyptian border and marked the transition to the northeastern desert countries. Tribute payments from the Setjet countries were usually brought to Egypt via the Horus Way near the Iuntiu area and then shipped across the Nile .


  • Rainer Hannig : Large Concise Dictionary Egyptian-German: (2800-950 BC). von Zabern, Mainz 2006, ISBN 3-8053-1771-9 , p. 1187.
  • Mary R. Lefkowitz: Black Athena revisited. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2003, ISBN 0-8078-2246-9 , p. 53.