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An Iaitō

An Iaitō ( Japanese 居 合 刀 ) is a blunt Japanese sword .


The Iaitō is specially made for the training of the art of sword drawing ( Iaidō ). The blade of an Iaito is usually made of an aluminum-zinc alloy , making it lighter and cheaper than the steel blade of a real sword. But it can also have a folded steel blade. Newer aluminum-zinc blades are adapted to the weight of a real sword. The surface structure of a real sword is imitated using a sandblasting process . This also includes the appearance of the hardening line, the hamon . The mounts correspond to real katana . It is not considered a weapon , but a piece of sports equipment . The Iaitō is not designed for contact exercises and could easily be damaged. Many traditional swordsmiths, for example in Gifu Prefecture , also manufacture Iaitōs. Today's more well-known swordsmiths such as Paul Chen or John Lee also manufacture high-quality Iaitō .

See also