Ibis (Ovid)

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The ibis (sometimes the title in Latin is also In Ibin, German against ibis ; since the word ibis in Latin sometimes also has a feminine gender, it also has a feminine gender in German, i.e. the ibis) is a curse poem by the Roman poet Ovid , which he probably wrote around the year 8 AD right at the beginning of his exile in Tomis on the Black Sea. The addressee of the curse and the imprecations, which are lined up like a catalog in the poem , is not mentioned by name, but is named after the bird ibis , which was considered unclean in antiquity . Some interpreters suspect that the code name Ibis hides the emperor Augustus , who exiled Ovid to Tomis in 8 AD. The poem is written in elegiac distiches and comprises 642 verses. The content of the poem is presented in a very mysterious way. a. on the one hand due to the language used, on the other hand due to the myths and historical events that are often very remote and require great learning , which Ovid uses.


Text output, translations and comments

  • R. Ellis: Ovidii Nasonis Ibis. Oxford 1881 (Critical Edition, Commentary, Scholia).
  • SG Owen: Ovidi Nasoni's sadness. Ib. Pont. Hal. Ms. Oxford 1915.
  • FW Lenz: Ovidi Nasonis Ibis. 2nd Edition. Turin 1956 (Critical Edition, Scholien).
  • A. La Penna: Ovidi Nasonis Ibis. Florence 1957 (Critical Edition).
  • A. La Penna: Scholia in P. Ovidi Nasonis Ibin. Florence 1959.
  • JH Mozley, GP Goold: Ovid. Vol. 2, Cambridge (Mass.) 1929/1979, pp. 236-291 (Latin / English).
  • E. Ripert: Ovide, Les Tristes, Les Pontiques, Ibis, Le Noyer, Halieutiques. Paris 1937, pp. 412–449 (Latin / French).
  • J. André: Ovide, Contre Ibis. Paris 1963. (Latin / French, commentary)
  • F. Della Corte, S. Fasce: Ovidio, Opere. Vol. 2, Turin 1986, pp. 347-399 (Latin / Italian)
  • A. Berg: Ovid. In: Works. Vol. 20, Berlin 1855 ff, pp. 124–153 (German).

Secondary literature

  • G. Williams: On Ovid's Ibis. A poem in context. In: Proceedings Cambridge Philological Society. Volume 38, 1992, pp. 171-189.

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