Ichirō Matsui

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Ichirō Matsui (2013)

Ichirō Matsui ( Japanese 松井 一郎 , Matsui Ichirō ; born January 31, 1964 in Osaka Prefecture ) is a Japanese politician , mayor of Osaka and party leader of the national Nippon Ishin no Kai and the regional Ōsaka Ishin no Kai . From 2011 to 2019 he was governor of Osaka Prefecture.


After completing his studies at Fukuoka Kōgyō Daigaku ("Fukuoka University of Technology ", English Fukuoka Institute of Technology ), Matsui worked in the private sector. In the unified regional elections in 2003 , he ran in the three-mandate constituency of Yao City with the support of the Liberal Democratic Party for the parliament of Osaka Prefecture. He was elected and confirmed in office in 2007 and 2011 . In the LDP prefecture association, he took on various management functions in the "youth department" ( seine-kyoku ; for under 45-year-olds).

In 2010 Matsui took part in the establishment of Ōsaka Ishin no Kai and became general secretary of both the party and the faction in the prefectural parliament. When Tōru Hashimoto resigned as governor in 2011 to run for mayoral election in the city of Osaka , Matsui became the candidate of Hashimoto's and Ishin no Kai for the governor's succession in the early elections in November 2011 . He received over two million votes and was able to clearly distance Kaoru Kurata, the candidate of the major parties, and five other competitors. Matsui assumed the governorship immediately after the election. In December 2015, after Hashimoto's resignation as mayor of the city of Osaka, he took over the party chairmanship.

Shortly before the unified regional elections in April 2019 , he and the Mayor of Osaka, Hirofumi Yoshimura , announced their resignations. Matsui and Yoshimura then ran for each other's office and were thus able to bring the terms of office back into line with the five-year rhythm of the uniform regional elections and the Ōsaka-to- plan ( 大阪 都 構想 , Ōsaka -to kōsō ), which includes the dissolution of the city of Osaka into "special districts" ( tokubetsu-ku ) of the Osaka prefecture similar to that of the Tokyo prefecture. Matsui was elected mayor with 660,819 votes against the LDP, Kōmeitō and Democratic People's Party- supported candidate Akira Yanagimoto (476,351 votes).

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Individual evidence

  1. 大阪 ダ ブ ル 選 、 維新 完勝 松井 氏 「ぶ れ ず に 公約 を 守 っ て き た 評 価 だ」 . In: Mainichi Shimbun . April 7, 2019, Retrieved May 30, 2019 (Japanese).