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Fish prepared as ikizukuri

Ikizukuri ( Japanese [生 / 活] き [作 / 造] り , German "live preparation") or Ikezukuri ( [生 / 活] け [作 / 造] り ) denotes a sashimi variant in Japanese cuisine , at special emphasis is placed on the freshness and lively appearance of the dish.

Usually fish are used for the dish, especially koi carp or sea ​​bream (Japanese tai ), but also seafood such as octopus, Japanese lobster or shrimp (see Odori ebi ).

The fish is stunned with a blow on the head and then dismantled, taking care that the immediately vital organs, the head, the spine and the tail are left untouched, i. This means that essentially only the two flanks are removed and the sashimi is prepared from them. This is then served with the half-erect, gasping fish.

The preparation is prohibited in Germany and Australia as cruelty to animals .

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Individual evidence

  1. 生 け 作 り / 活 け 作 り / 生 け 造 り / 活 け 造 り . In: 和 ・ 洋 ・ 中 ・ エ ス ニ ッ ク 世界 の 料理 が わ か る 辞典 ("Japanese, Western, Chinese, Ethnic: Dictionary for Understanding the Kitchens of the World"). Retrieved June 13, 2013 (Japanese).