Ilmi Kolla

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Ilmi Kolla (born June 4, 1933 in Pärnu , † December 18, 1954 in Tallinn ) was an Estonian poet .

life and work

Ilmi Kolla was born into a working class family. After school she worked in the editorial department of the newspaper Säde in 1952 .

Kolla began writing poetry in Estonian in 1948 . She was seen as a promising young poet. Her poem Nukrad hetked became particularly famous .

Some of Ilmi Kolla's poems were printed, but could not appear in book form during her lifetime due to the restrictive censorship policy of the Soviet authorities. Vladimir Beekman , for example, criticized her poetry as being too individualistic. Since Kolla's poems contradicted the state ideology, they were mostly passed on clandestinely.

In 1948 she fell ill with tuberculosis and died in 1954. The disease and the premonition of death shaped most of her poems.

Volumes of poetry

  • Luuletused (posthumously, 1957)
  • Minu kevad (posthumous, 1983)


  • Eve Annuk: Ilmi Kolla yes tema aeg. Biograafilise lähenemisviisi võimalusi nõukogude aja uurimise kontekstis. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2006. 190 p. (Dissertationes litterarum et contemplationis comparativae Universitatis Tartuensis 3)
  • Eve Annuk: Textual Editions, Gender and Literary History: The Case of Ilmi Kolla, in: interlitteraria 15/2 (2010), pp. 375–388.
  • Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. Berlin, New York 2006 ( ISBN 3-11-018025-1 ), pp. 586f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ I. Kolla .
  2. translation into English under
  3. Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature , p. 586