Polecat (disambiguation)

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Polecat stands for:

  • Polecat , a species of predator from the marten family
  • VW Iltis , an all-terrain vehicle from Volkswagen
  • Additional cage for adding a strange queen to a queenless bee colony, see beekeeping device

Iltis is the family name of the following people:

  • Artur E. Iltis , pseudonym of the author Reinhard Haupenthal (1945–2016)
  • Hugh Iltis (1925–2016), American botanist, son of Hugo
  • Hugo Iltis (1882–1952), Czech botanist, Mendel biographer and racist
  • Lucian Iltis (1903–1967), German politician (KPD)

Polecat is the name of the following ships:

Polecat is an abbreviation for: