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Immediatrecht or Immediatvortragsrecht is a right for immediate presentation at the head of state , bypassing a possible intermediary or regulates, who was allowed to make use of this right.

In Prussia , apart from the Prime Minister, initially only the Minister of War had immediate rights; In addition, the commanding generals and the field marshals general had this right with the king as "chief of the army". B. was extended to the upper presidents (actually: upper regional presidents) of the provinces.

After the end of the war of 1870/71 , Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke received this right personally. In 1883 it was institutionalized to the Chief of the Great General Staff . He and his successors thus effectively had the opportunity to implement military decisions together with the commanders-in-chief to the exclusion of the Reichstag and Reich Chancellor . In the Bismarck / Moltke constellation , the latter only rarely made use of this right, as he accepted Bismarck's demand for the primacy of politics . Later, especially shortly before and during the First World War , this principle was increasingly pushed back, also by expanding the circle of military persons (e.g. the heads of the military cabinet and the naval cabinet ), so that military decisions were made less or no longer by the political organs were controlled.

See also