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Immralla / i- is the name of a Hittite city ​​and river and a Luwian- Hittite deity. The name is an extension of Luwisch im (ma) ra- »Feld, Flur, Steppe«.

City of Imralla

Imralla was on the road from the Hittite capital Ḫattuša to Ankuwa . Cult servants stayed overnight in Imralla and Ḫupigašša before they reached Ankuwa after three days' march. The location of the two stations is unknown.

Deity Imralli

Imralli is a deity who was worshiped in the cult of the goddess Ḫuwaššanna . Her nickname ḫardupi is not interpreted. Related deities, whose name was formed from the same word, are Immaršiya in Ištanuwa and Immarni .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Piotr Taracha : Religions of Second Millennium Anatolia . Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-447-05885-8 . P. 117
