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InMoov robot (upper body) on a mobile platform
InMoov robot (upper body) on a mobile platform
Manufacturer Gaël Langevin
publication 2012
Technical specifications
computer Arduino Mega

InMoov is the first humanoid Open hardware - robots . It was invented by Gaël Langevin in 2012 and consists of an illustrated tutorial and several files in STL format . The STL files can be printed out on a 3D printer in 200 minutes each. Several days pass before the complete InMoov robot is printed. With this you only have to create the plastic components, additional components such as Arduino boards, servo motors in different sizes, a Kinect camera and fishing line are required. The latter creates the mechanical connection between a servo motor and a finger.

The InMoov project is very demanding within the maker scene. Only experienced makerspaces are up to this task. As an introduction, it is recommended to start with a starter kit where you just press a finger to connect a servo motor. If you want to print and build the entire robot, considerable costs can arise. The components of the InMoov robot are estimated at EUR 1200, plus the acquisition costs for a 3D printer of around EUR 1500.

What exactly can you do with the robot? First of all, the focus is on the learning effect. That is, you build the robot to learn about 3D printing and robotics. Once the robot is finished, you can install software called myrobotlab there and script it. The technology for this was taken over from the animatronics division and provides various gestures such as "shake hand" and "move arm". Speech recognition is usually used for interaction, but a joystick can also be used as a controller. Advanced InMoov projects use ROS .

The specialty of InMoov is that many things are combined there. First of all, the project is OpenHardware. That is, the construction manual is available for free download on the Internet and the forks is encouraged by the inventor. You also need an Arduino microcontroller for the servomotors , so you learn something about system programming. And last but not least, InMoov is a robotics application that teaches you about artificial intelligence and autonomous systems .


Before InMoov was released, there were handicraft projects that had a robot as their goal. The well-known BEAM robots from Mark W. Tilden or Arduino-controlled robots should be mentioned. They were small moving platforms with 2 wheels and a sensor. Such systems were easy to build and could be put into operation quickly. The InMoov system is a completely different league. First of all, the number of servos used is higher than that of a simple robotic arm. Second, the project is geared towards replicating a complete human being. That means, like with a mannequin , all areas such as head, hands, arms and torso are reproduced. InMoov is less impressive because of its particularly highly developed materials and more because of the idea itself. So that you actually reproduce a person from the form. The specially shaped face also helps make the Uncanny Valley noticeable. It makes a difference whether you have a robot that is only 10 cm tall or whether you are facing a life-size robot that also has movable fingers. The enthusiasm for the InMoov robot is a little clouded by the fact that the myrobotlab software used disappoints. It is unable to exploit the hardware or motivate the robot to behave intelligently. You can clearly see the limitations of the animatronics sculpture.


The project was largely positively received by the public. The maker scene has reported widely and projects have been carried out at several universities. Among other things, research was carried out on how to transmit brain waves from a human test person to an InMoov hand, how to use the fingers to output sign language and how to use Unity3D as a virtual environment to develop motion controllers.

Individual evidence

  1. Langevin, G: InMoov-Open Source 3D printed life-size robot . 2014 ( ).
  2. a b Escriba Montagut, Gerard and others: Inmoov robot: building of the first open source 3D printed life-size robot . In: Universitat de Lleida . 2016 ( [PDF]).
  3. Vandevelde, Cesar and Saldien, Jelle and Ciocci, Cristina and Vanderborght, Bram: Overview of technologies for building robots in the classroom . In: International Conference on Robotics in Education . 2013, p. 122--130 ( ).
  4. myrobotlab: myrobotlab Scripting sourcecode . 2011 ( ).
  5. Petriu, Emil M: Bio-inspired solutions for intelligent android perception and control . In: 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS): Social Implications of Wearable Computing and Augmediated Reality in Everyday Life . 2013, p. 18 , doi : 10.1109 / istas.2013.6613096 ( [PDF]).
  6. ^ De Haan Bosch, Lucas Enric: Biomimetics & the 3D Printed Arm . In: UPF Polytechnic School . 2017 ( [PDF]).
  7. Bulgarelli, Andrea and Toscana, Giorgio and Russo, Ludovico Orlando and Farulla, Giuseppe Airo and Indaco, Marco and Bona, Basilio: A low-cost open source 3D-printable dexterous anthropomorphic robotic hand with a parallel spherical joint wrist for sign languages ​​reproduction . In: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England . tape 13 , no. 3 , 2016, p. 126 , doi : 10.5772 / 64113 ( [PDF]).
  8. Christoph Bartneck and Marius Soucy and Kevin Fleuret and Eduardo B. Sandoval: The robot engine - Making the unity 3D game engine work for HRI . In: 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) IEEE . 2015, doi : 10.1109 / roman.2015.7333561 ( [PDF]).