Individual communication
As personal communications (including individual or interactive communication) is known in the communication studies a form of communication in which individual individuals communicate.
In the media of individual communication, the flow of information runs in both directions; it is therefore not referred to as unidirectional (from the author of the media message to the recipient), but as bidirectional. This means that all participants in the communication are both sender and recipient.
Different types of services are used by individual communication:
- Character-oriented services: letter - telegraphy - telex - teletex - video text
- graphics-oriented services: fax
- voice-oriented services: telephony
- Online services: e-mail , chat
See also: intimate communication , group communication , election communication , mass communication
- Gernot Wersig : The communicative revolution. Strategies for Overcoming the Crisis of Modernity . Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1985 . ISBN 3531117343