Information center for education mandate north-south

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The WUS - Information Center for Education North-South coordinates and informs about development-related educational work in the Federal Republic of Germany . The information center is based in Wiesbaden .

It is financed as a joint project of the federal states , the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU) and the Committee for Development-Related Education and Journalism of the Evangelical Church in Germany (ABP). The basis of their work is the resolution of the Prime Ministers of the federal states of October 28, 1988 on development cooperation between the federal states.

The most important tasks of the WUS Information Center for North-South Education are:

  • Creation and maintenance of a nationwide information network between educational institutions, associations, non-governmental organizations, the federal states and the corresponding institutions for development education work.
  • Quarterly publication of the circular educational mission North-South with references to new materials, new developments, news from the federal states and a systematic nationwide seminar calendar; Furthermore, publication of a monthly seminar calendar in the Frankfurter Rundschau and the educational policy magazines in italics and learning worlds.
  • Creation of studies, reference works and annotated address directories for development education work.
  • Establishment and maintenance of a homepage for development-related educational work in the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • Content-related and logistical support in the planning and implementation of events of the federal states and non-governmental organizations for development-related educational work as well as the
  • Takeover of the relevant public relations.
  • Secretarial functions for the working group "Information and Education Work" of the Federal-State Committee on Development Cooperation.
  • Participation in the working group "Development Education" of VENRO (Association of Development Policy of German Non-Governmental Organizations).
  • Regular reporting on the work of the working group "Development Education" in the VENRO in the journal for international educational research and development education (ZEP)
  • Cooperation with the relevant institutions in other European countries and the Council of Europe.
  • Public relations work to anchor development policy content in school and extracurricular education.

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